Steven Harris Membership Website Signup

Platinum Membership  $190 / year  
Future Price will be $360 / YEAR, Subscribe Today and get Locked in for LIFE
 $190 / year  is your Yearly PRICE FOR LIFE 


Membership Site Features

The site is PACKED with Harris Content.  Every single thing I have done in the past, plus all the stuff I do in the future.
PLATINUM Level Memberships is all we offer now.
I am CURRENTLY Considering DROPPING the membership offer and going
"ala-cart' only.  Buy just the videos, members who are members will always

be members and always get everything.  So, get in when you can.
You know me, when I say, "Come and get it, it will be gone" I MEAN IT.

  • Every Past Harris Video for Free - 36+ Hours

    All of my past videos that I have are FREE on the membership site.  Watch them online and DOWNLOAD them.  Bugout Bag, Cell Phone Charging, Emergency Home Power, Home and Mobile Battery Bank, Bug out Power Kit, Emergency Instant Bread etc....Plus every preview, promo and demonstration video I have EVER made.  All the Harris Learning in ONE SPOT. 

  • Every *NEW* Harris Video for Free 50-100+ Hours

    Every NEW video I make and release will be up on the site for you to watch for FREE, even the 8+ Hour Everything Harris FOOD Video will be free for Members.  See the list below for the NEW Videos Coming....

    EVERY TIME I made a decent addition to the site I'm going to DROP you a 2 line EMAIL to say that there is SOMETHING NEW.  I'm making LOTS of additions.  

  • Get the Rough Cut Videos Early

    What am I doing, what am I doing now?  What am I working on.  You get to see the videos I'm making BEFORE they get fully assembled into an extensive video.   These are the Rough Cuts, in the motion picture business these would be the 'dailies'.  Before I color correct and spruce up, you get to see the footage of what I'm working on.  This will be fascinating.  

  • Harris APPROVED Videos - 82 Videos and Counting.

    Know how I Harris Approve items on Amazon and you just KNOW they are going to work?  Well there are a TON of videos on Youtube that are JUNK.   When I watch one that is GOOD and IMPORTANT I SAVE it.   I have uploaded these videos to the Membership site and I give my OWN description regarding the video and WHY this video is so important.   For example, I have 82 Videos on 17 Different methods of breaking locks (not lock picking, breaking) almost instantly.  How to smash through a concrete or brick wall.  How to bust open a door, how to twist a lock in half in 2 seconds.  All of this is intended for you to be able to get to safety in a SHTF situation or to get something you need in SHTF.


NEW Harris Videos Coming...

I have over 10 MAJOR videos in the works that I'm going to produce and publish and you get them ALL for free.  That does not include the short videos either.  The 10 main ones are epic LONG Harris Videos.  2 to 8+ Hours long, broken down into individual segments.  When you finish a Harris video you will have NO QUESTION in your mind on exactly HOW to do it 100% correct the first time.   You know the level of detail I put into things.  I'm NOT doing them all in order, so as I do them you'll see the ROUGH CUTS Right Away before the WHOLE Video is Finished.  10 of the MAJOR Video Subjects are Listed Below....and probably 24 non-Major single subject Videos (not listed) coming soon.

I intend on being the most prolific preparedness video creator on the planet.   The best content, the most content on the most subjects.  JOIN NOW and stay with me because as I grow the membership price for new members will increase.  Get in on the ground level.  

  • COMING: The Stoves and Fast Baking Video

    (Baking on stoves w/o an oven).  Almost every stove you've ever and NEVER knew existed with ALL fuels.  Electric (yeah!), White Gas (Coleman fuel), gasoline, diesel, kerosene, alcohol, JP4, JP8, AVGAS, Jet A, Wood, Esbit, Sterno and some you never thought you could use as a fuel but they work incredibly well.  This will included commercial Flameless Ration Heaters (FRH) and ones you can MAKE YOURSELF.   

  • COMING: The Light Video

     Almost Every Single Method of Illumination Known to Man.  Everything from oil and candles all the way up to radioactive elements.  Yes, legal to own and use.  You will NEVER be in the dark again. 

  • COMING: Emergency and Preparedness Heat for your ENTIRE House

    Most Every way of Heating Your Home in a Disaster You Can Think of and MANY that you have NOT.  This far far beyond the concept of just 'wood heat'.  I cover every fuel and many different 'forms' of wood, some you did not know that existed.  

  • COMING: The EMP PROOF House and the 100% Non-Electric Off Grid 1865's Cabin Video

    I've been wanting to do a video on how to light and cook and heat like a cabin in 1865 but only using modern fuels and modern instruments but still 100% ZERO electricity.   Which would make the whole thing EMP proof.  I have items that you did not know you could get and use for this.  You could go to this 'cabin' in 20 years and everything would work. 

  • COMING: Harvesting Power -  How to Charge Anything from Almost Anything.  

    Harvesting Power - Getting Power to charge ANYTHING from about Anything. From Light poles, from vehicles, from 480VAC, 277VAC, 240VAC, 208VAC, 120VAC, 24VDC, 12VDC, 5VDC, 1.5VDC and more.  This is the video version of the live class that I have given to US SPECOPS.  How to charge your sat phone, cell phone, tablet, laptop, AA, AAA's, 18650's, 14500, 16400, RCR123's, Lead Acid Batteries and everything else from any source of power you find, from 12 volts in a car to 277 volts AC (1 leg of 3 phase 480AC) on a light pole in a walmart.  Open with a screw driver.  

  • COMING: The Epic Massive Harris Food Video.  Estimated to be over 8 Hours in Total Content

    More ways of making preparedness food for eating and storage than you have ever heard before.   I especially cover the methods and sources of food throughout wars in the world and what soldiers ate.  I go back 2500 years to the soldiers of Kublai Khan who survived on sun dried mares milk. This is a fascinating trip through history with 100% HOW TO integrated into it and much of the methods I will show have been long forgotten.  In fact I had to buy one book written in Japan and there was only ONE copy if it on the used market in the entire world and I have it.  

  • COMING: The Harris Water Video

    .How to harvest, pump, store, sanitize, clean, filter, disinfect and get MASSIVE amounts of water and actually re-pressurize your house with water you can use in a disaster.  I'm talking about taking your pickup truck with empty 55 gallon drums to a river, stream, lake and getting the water and taking it home, pure and clean.   For clean drinking water to actually come out of your faucet from your own private source of water. 

  • COMING: The Solar Charging Video

    Everything about how to charge everything with the smallest to the largest solar panels, from charging a single AAA NiMH battery to the largest battery bank in your house.  How to charge everything from the sun.  From fold up panels that weigh a few ounces to 6.5 foot tall panels that weigh over 60 lbs.  

  • COMING: Generator Cooking.  Using electrical power to QUICKLY and with almost zero work to make your FOOD, all on automatic.

    If you follow Harris energy and food teaching then you'll know that there are a great deal of appliances out there that can make a lot of food really fast and do it perfectly and on automatic.  Set it, forget it, walk away, come back when it beeps and have fresh bread, rice, beans, biscuits and much more all done for you.   All you need is a vehicle and an inverter or a generator or a decent amount of solar power.  Know what makes more food quicker and faster than anything else that you can just mix, cook and then eat and store for days to a week?   A waffle maker.  Run 4 at once and you can crank out some food fast.   I will also cover a portion of this in the FOOD VIDEO.  Its what I call "Make and Take" food.  Hurricane is 3 days away, you leave tomorrow.  What can you make in the house in the next day and then take with you and it will last for a week or two without refrigeration?

  • COMING: How long does SH*T Store For?  

    I have preparedness items, food, fuel, water, batteries, mantles, cans, buckets going back to the 1990's.  I will show you what works and what does not from 20 years ago.  What you can still eat after 20 year and what still works after 20 years.   Yes.   I have batteries that will work after that long.  This is going to be an epic video.  I have kerosene stored from the 1990's in both plastic and metal containers?  Which one stored better?  Which one is perfect.  

Harris Membership Site is Currently: 




How the Pricing $$$ Will Work

The sooner you buy your membership the LOWER the price will be  The price will go up with time.  There is a great deal of content in the membership site now (see below) but since I will be adding a lot of content as that increases so will the price.  The price you buy your membership at NOW is your monthly price for LIFE.  
 You know me, when I say, "Come and Get It."  I mean it.
Hey - 2020 UPDATE - The price USE to be $9.97.  Then it was $14 / Month and then $140 per year ONLY and now $190 per year ONLY.  Lock in NOW
We now have EXTENSIVE "Viral" Content, I am making new Content almost DAILY.

  • 36+ Hours of Video Learning

    I currently have over 36 hours of video learning for you on the Membership Website.  Watch online or download.  This includes Original Harris created content and Harris Approved Content.   A Magical time of learning is in front of you. 

  • 100+ Hour of Audio Learning

    ALL of my TSP Appearances in ONE PLACE.  ALL of the Bug Out Trailer Episodes, ALL of my Audio Classes like the Family Preparedness class and newly found "LOST" classes on Chemical and Biological Weapons and Disease plus other interviews and such that I have done.  Also ALL of my TSP Expert Panel Answers are uploaded.   PLUS NOW all of my Viral Event Conf Calls I'm having almost on a weekly basis.

  • Nearly 100 Harris Approved Videos w/ Harris Explanation of Why those Videos are so important.

    Right now its 82 Videos, by time you read this, it could be well OVER 100 Videos.  Know how getting a GOOD video on YOUTUBE is like rolling the dice.   Well I learn a LOT of good things on MANY subjects on youtube, and most of them are NOT from "preppers".  When I find a good one, I save the video.  I have put them in a special learning area of my membership site for you to watch.  The video has a paragraph of text (or more) of me explaining WHY this video is so important to your preparedness.  Right now, I have 82 Videos, showing 17 different ways of BREAKING Padlocks, Door Locks, Concrete and Brick Walls all oriented towards your preparedness.   Know that cage full of propane BBQ tanks?  You can be in it in 5 seconds with a $12 tool from Harbor Freight.  No kidding.   I've been 'collecting' these videos in my PERSONAL Learning Library on my Computer for YEARS.  Now I have a place for them.  This will be growing ALL the time.  Daily, weekly....etc... You know that when I "Harris Approve" an Amazon item on a 1234 site that it JUST WORKS.  The same is true for these HARRIS APPROVED Videos.  Your time is NOT going to be wasted.

  • .PDF Books For Reading and Download....

    Some of the best books ever done on preparedness that I have the rights to are up there for you to download and read.   This will be expanding.   


    I'm NOT doing something like "1 video a month" or something like that.   I'm always doing video and demonstrations.  These are getting posted on a regular basis as I do them as the "Rough Cuts".   You get to see the videos before I put them all together to make one long class.  Its a drip feed of continuous Harris Learning.  I'm doing stuff right now on Winter Heating that won't be a full released video until next September / October.  You get to see the meat of this NOW.   Also, you get all of my FUTURE video releases in the Membership Area for FREE.  The 8 Hour FOOD Video alone will probably be $99 and released one chapter at a time to non-membership people.  

  • BLOOPERS, BTS (Behind The Scenes) and Re-Shoots

    Yes, I have bloopers.   Like when my cat attacks me when I'm doing a video.  You'll also get a rare look at the Behind the Scenes of what I'm doing and there are cuts of video that have to be redone for certain reasons.   You'll get to see all of these.  

Member to Member to Harris Communications

I will be setting up a custom membership area SHORTLY for members to talk to members and for ALL of you to be able to talk to me.   It will either be a private facebook group or a private discord channel or something like that.  I'm still researching it plus we have to see how many people join the Membership Club...which, I'm anticipating to be HUGE


ONLY Option Now.

+ ALL Harris Videos FREE
+ BugOut Bag Video Tips / Tricks
+ Cell Phone Sat Phone Video
+ Emergency Home Power Video
+ Emergency Bread from Gasoline
+ My Cell Phone/Power Bug Out Kit
That's over 26 HOURS of Premium Videos that I SELL on
+ 10 of the FUTURE Videos I listed Above - Huge Content
+ 20 or more SHORT SUBJECT Videos I'm going to Make
+ ALL of the Rough Cut Videos as I make them.  See everything BEFORE its DONE. 


Mr. Harris I just wanted to thank you for your expertise. I am currently in day 3 without power due to an F3 tornado. Fortunately my home sustained little damage. My backup battery system has 
functioned flawlessly and your advice on generators and gasoline storage has insured my family can stay in our home while others have taken flight to local motels. I just thought I was prepared, then I listened to and followed your advice and now I really am prepared. 

Johnnie B.

I enjoy everything that you do. You explain emergency preparedness in an easy to understand way and you enable your listeners to take action. I have listened to all your podcasts and have bought and watched the Battery bank video.

I turned a coworker onto your page. He just bought a hunting cabin that is off grid. I explained a little about you and your podcasts. He called me a couple hours later and advised he has not been getting anything done at work because he can't stop listening to you. Keep up the good work.

Eric D.

Steven, Now that I've found your material, I no longer need to wade through an ocean of websites & blogs purporting to be able to help me prepare for natural disasters & other emergencies. Thank you, Steven, for the wealth of information you supply so willingly. You have already added so much value and peace of mind to my role as provider/protector of my family. Your knowledge and expertise inspire me to keep learning and keep doing.

David L.

Actual Screen Shot from the Membership Website.  The site is LOADED with Content. 

  • Warren MI, United States


  • (484) 331-8362  (email me 1st)


Knowledge Publications Corporation was started by Steven Harris in 2002 to provide the highest quality books, DVDs, videos and education on all forms of alternative energy.  Mr Harris was also an expert in Preparedness and found that his world class knowledge of energy applied directly to the Preparedness Field.   Mr Harris now instructs the Dept of Defense, Law Enforcement and the Public on matters of preparedness especially in the areas of energy, power, fuel, heating, cooling, food (all types), water.  One of Mr Harris's Mentors was Cresson Kearny with whom he did extensive work regarding the history of feeding the warfigher from 2500 years ago to current conflicts. is Owned and Operated by
Knowledge Publications Corporation.
© Copyright 2019 All Rights Reserved.